印度舞蹈跟肚皮舞有什麼不一樣?! How do you think about what is different of India dance and belly dance 其中的差異性之一就是-手印文化 就算語言不通也沒關係^^ 透過肢體語言去表達它^^ actually we can cheek it from hands gesture 在舞蹈當中去呈現他的動作與涵義 讓欣賞的人看見舞蹈的優美與文化 it have meaning and culture of hand gesture though of dance people will feel and know the beautiful dance and culture 這次透過eliya的甜不辣手示範給大家看 一些常用基本的印度舞蹈手勢與動作^^ 有上課的同學就會知道eliya在"講蝦咪" in the class eliya will teach and show it from basically if you join it you will more understand the knowledge 以下手印動作依據字母排列跟傳統手印順序無關 we will show some hand gesture by eliya from odiss dance issue these pic following exc:A-B-C..... 在舞台上表演時舞者用這樣的紅色顏料在手與腳 可吸引觀眾目光讓遠方觀眾可以看清楚舞蹈動作 dancer use red color on hands and feet to improve and apparel people attention and eyes it will help people see it more clear in performance 可以是宇宙日月星辰的表現 it can be universerity 可以是自然界植物的花花草草 or nature plants 可以是印度舞蹈或神明的動作展現 also can be dance posture or God 可以是生活的一部分 it can be ...